Blind Guardian - Concert poster for Chile 2023
Concert Reviews

The Return of the Bards to Chile – Blind Guardian – Concert Review

The German power metal machine, Blind Guardian, came back for their fourth time to Santiago, Chile, Teatro Caupolicán. Bringing with them a great show on November 14h, 2023. This event was to promote their twelfth studio album, The God Machine, released on September 2nd, 2023 (you can read my album review here).


The evening started with Enigma, a Chilean heavy metal band, that gave a solid set. 


Enigma, Chilean band


At 21.00 was the main course, Blind Guardian, and their long-awaited return. Their previous visits were in 2011, 2012, 2015. And after eight years, and a Pandemic in between, we needed our doses of the bards.


Blind Guardian in Chile


The show started with all the pomposity of Imaginations from the Other Side. Followed by a track from their latest album The God Machine, Blood of the Elves, that was inspired by The Witcher. The third song was the emotional Nightfall, which brought the whole audience to sing along with the band.


Then came, The Script for My Requiem, which was gladly sung by the crowd. Next, something from their new album, Deliver us from Evil. Later, it was time for some acoustic treats, so Skalds and Shadows and Time Stands Stills (At the Iron Hill) took place. 


Another single from their new album, Secrets of the American Gods, leads the way for three old loved songs, The Bard’s Song – In the Forest, Majesty, and Traveler in Time. The band started to say goodbye, but we knew that wasn’t the case, because some classics were awaiting. 


So, for the encore, Sacred Worlds and Lord of the Rings. Then, the singer, Hansi Kürsch told us that they’ve received a special request for a song, that they haven’t played live in many years, Run for the Night, making us feel privileged to hear this song live.


Lastly, to end the show in a big way, it was the turn of the songs that can never be missed in a Blind Guardian show, Valhalla and Mirror Mirror, both being accompanied by the public’s chants. 


Now, they said goodbye for real this time, putting an end to a magic night of tales and music. I hope that we don’t have to wait so many years, again, to see them return to our land.  


The band sounded super tight during the whole show. Hansi Kürsch, sings with his beautiful voice and leads us to a world of fantasy with his storytelling abilities. André Olbrich and Marcus Siepen delighted us with beautiful and powerful riffs and solos. Frederik Ehmke paced the fastest rhythms on drums. Johan van Stratum on bass gave it all, and Matthias Ulmer played beautiful notes on keyboards.


My story with Blind Guardian began around 1998 when I first got to know the band because I liked their album cover, Tales From The Twilight World. 

I bought it because I simply liked the drawing and I got the hunch that I may like it, even though I didn’t know any of their songs yet. Luckily, my instincts were right and I loved it. It’s still my favorite Blind Guardian album to this date. It’s heavy, and it brings me a lot of memories from my teenage years. So, in this show, I was very happy that they played two songs from this album (Traveler in Time and Lord of the Rings).


I’ve seen Blind Guardian every time they’ve played here, in Chile. They always give amazing shows, full of power metal but with beautiful symphonic moments too. But this show has something special, and kind of bittersweet. To all these previous Blind Guardian shows, I went with my youngest sister and my mom and had a blast and beautiful memories every time. But this time, it was the first time that I went only with my sister, due to the fact that my mom passed away 4 years ago. She was a big Blind Guardian fan (she loved their music and The Lord of the Rings). I was a little scared to go without her, but it turned out to be a stunning show, and I’m sure she was there with us in spirit to enjoy the show, just like everyone else.


In conclusion, the bard’s return was just as beautiful as always, and from what I’ve read on their social media, this Latin American tour has been marvelous for them and the fans in every place they’ve played.


Blind Guardian in Chile



  1. Imaginations From the Other Side
  2. Blood of the Elves
  3. Nightfall
  4. The Script for My Requiem
  5. Deliver us from evil
  6. Skalds and Shadows 
  7. Time Stands Still (At the Iron Hill)
  8. Secrets of the American Gods
  9. The Bard’s Song – In the Forest
  10. Majesty
  11. Traveler in Time


  1. Sacred Worlds
  2. Lord of the Rings
  3. Run for the Night 
  4. Valhalla
  5. Mirror Mirror

2 thoughts on “The Return of the Bards to Chile – Blind Guardian – Concert Review”

  1. Very intense band, harmoniously hard sounds, grouping of character and style without much influence of hard or speed… good band!

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