Album Reviews

EPs and other gems from Sleep Token – Album Review

After reviewing Sleep Token’s albums, This Place Will Become Your Tomb, Sundowning, and Take Me Back To Eden, now it was the time for me to discover their first works, their EPs, and some other singles.

Sleep Token is an anonymous-masked band from London, formed in 2016. They are led by their singer Vessel, who also writes the lyrics, and composes and plays most of the instruments, except for drums, played by II.

The other band members, III (bass) and IV (guitar), have only played live, until now. Who knows what will happen when they record their new album, I hope that III and IV get involved and play their instruments on the record and maybe participate in the music or lyric writing, that would be amazing. But that’s for the music genius, Vessel, to decide.

The band plays a mix of genres, which includes progressive metal, indie rock pop, alternative metal, and R&B.


The EPs


What is an EP? EP means “extended play”. It refers to a mini album that contains 1 up to 6 songs and lasts below 30 minutes.

So, here they are:



White flowers and branches in a black background


One, their first EP, was released on December 2nd, 2016, it contains the following songs:


1. Thread the needle. The opening track and the band’s first single introduce Vessel singing with a soft, fragile voice, almost whispering. It’s a love song.

The keyboards enter, but in a dim way, not overshadowing the song.

In the interlude comes the drums and the rest of the instruments heavily.

Vessel returns to sing, only with the keyboard and some backing vocals.

Later the instruments come again to end the song, with a sludgy, grunge guitar solo.


2. Fields of Elation. Vessel singing with some creepy choruses in the back. Electronic drums. Then solid drums and instruments. Different music styles throughout the song.

The song conveys lust, love, and the desire to be with his partner.


3. When the Bough Breaks. Vessel layered vocals, keyboards, drums, and R&B choruses, a heavy part, too. A distorted guitar ends the song.

He claims to her, that she doesn’t love him, she doesn’t want to be alone.


My Thoughts


For me, this EP is good, because we can see Sleep Token’s beginnings. However, even though each song has its heavy segments, it’s too soft for my taste. I would say that the thing that shows off more in this work here is II’s drumming.

Vessel’s voice has improved a lot since this album. Of course, he was younger here, his voice was more soft and normal, with less technique. Now, his voice is unique, with different tonalities, types of tones and vocals, and a special and characteristic stamp.





Two, the band’s second EP was recorded on July 21st, 2017. The songs are:

1. Calcutta. The first track of this EP has keys that give an oriental vibe. Here we can hear Vessel starts as the singer we know and love, doing those vocal changes. For me, they found their current sound in this work.

This song has an instrumental heavy part, then Vessel continues with the instruments playing quietly in the back.

It ends heavy with a fading out, yet with a weird haunted vibe.

I would say this is my favorite song of the EPs, very romantic. It’s a beautiful and sad song because it seems that he’s no longer with her, they are together only in dreams.

In the video, we see a lot of Vessel’s face, which is amazing, as well as II’s playing drums.


2. Nazareth. Vessel and a piano. Although the music is very soft, in the lyrics he’s anticipating a fight and wrath. The ending is heavy. 


3. Jericho. Gospel type of piano and Vessel singing in a softer tone. Then, his voice becomes stronger while the percussion enters. The gospel piano keeps on going, drum fills, heavy instruments.

About lust, and he’s recalling his previous love encounters with her.


My Thoughts


I liked this album much more than their previous work, since here they are most like the current band, their present sound. Also, the production sounds great.




The Gems


Now, it’s the turn for their singles that aren’t part of their studio albums.




Jaws was released on June 3rd, 2018.

Percussion sounds, piano, Vessel sings, drums, but everything remains calm. Then, the instruments get distorted.

Pretty lyrics. He asks her to show him her vulnerable side and wounds, so they can love each other properly.

Later, they give the impression of ending the song, but they come back in a softer jazzy version, and II is playing some crazy drum fills in the back.

I love this song.



Hey Ya


Hey Ya was released on February 28.

The original track belongs to Outkast, an American rap duo. André 3000 wrote it, and I never realized how sad and deep the lyrics were until this version, since Outkast’s song and video were super happy and fun.

Sleep Token’s version is slower and more emotional. Beautiful rendition. Vessel, a piano, and a backing chorus.


The Way That You Were


The Way That You Were was released on October 8, 2018. A cathedral organ and Vessel singing. Emotional layers make the song charming.

He asks her to be vulnerable with him, to show him his pain, the way that she was before, because she changed, she’s no longer the same person he fell in love with.


Is It Really You?


Is It Really You? was released on January 4, 2022. It’s a cover of Loathe, an English metalcore band.

Loathe and Sleep Token toured together in 2018 and here they make a collaboration on Loathe’s original song.

Piano, emotional, gorgeous love song.


+ Bonus 


Hallelujah (live). Although Sleep Token hasn’t recorded this song, they played it in the From The Room Below show on April 29, 2022, at Lafayette in London, England.

The song belongs to the Canadian singer Leonard Cohen and carries a super emotional vibe in itself, and in this Sleep Token performance, that feeling is multiplied 1000 times.


Final Thoughts


I’ve officially finished my Sleep Token’s song and album reviews.

I heard the evolution of this band through their works, how they’ve become a cult band with super talented musicians, that have defied the limits between music genres, leading an ever-increasing number of followers to enjoy their creations.

Now, all that’s left is to wait for their new masterpiece to drop, which I hope comes out soon.

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