Masaru Emoto
My Thoughts On

Emotions. Music. Water

The Japanese author Dr. Masaru Emoto claimed that we could affect the molecular structure of water. Just by sending intentions to it, there can be physical changes. 

He froze water crystals as they were affected by different types of messages, prayers, thoughts, and music, and he discovered that the water molecules were different when they were exposed to distinct stimuli. When people sent prayers or thoughts about love, or they played classical music, the crystal molecules were beautiful and symmetrical. But when people thought about hate or played heavy metal music, the crystals were more chaotic.

Although these experiments have not been scientifically proven yet. With these investigations, plus popular wisdom, we can reach some conclusions. Just as when we listen to calm music or think happy thoughts, or relax, we feel good, with less anxiety, our body should go through the same emotions. Because we are approximately 70% water (of our body composition), every thought, feeling, and stimulus should affect us in the same way as those water molecules in Dr. Emoto’s experiments.

On the other hand, when we are angry or sad, the water molecules in our body should react accordingly to those feelings too. For this reason, people could believe that listening to heavy metal must be bad for your health, but I think it’s just the opposite. Even though, yes, the water in our body may react in a non-aesthetic way to heavier music. In my case, at least, powerful music has always given me strength in moments of need. It makes you feel like you can accomplish something you fear doing, like facing a complicated exam, a job interview or just giving you something to back you up as you go through life’s difficulties.



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