My Thoughts On

My 10 Favorite Guitarists

The guitar, and more precisely, the electric guitar, is my favorite instrument. The one that I’ve tried to learn many times, without success. I lack the required discipline. I can only play some basic songs and things, so I’ll better let the professionals shine on this. These are some of my favorite guitarists. I like many more, but for this article to be short and sweet, here’s a selection of them, in no particular order.…

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My Thoughts On

Beastie Boys…Kick it!

The Band   Beastie Boys were an American hip hop/rap rock band formed in 1981. They disbanded in 2012, when Yauch, one of their three members, died. They started as a punk band, playing instruments too. Then they derived to hip-hop and mixed it with rock. Before Public Enemy, Run DMC, or Rage Against The Machine, were these guys, the originals, the OG’s, so much so that they are even in the Rock and Roll…

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My Thoughts On

Gojira’s Epic Moment

Now, that a few days have passed since the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris and the shock has simmered down a bit, I wanted to share my thoughts about Gojira’s presentation.   The Band   Gojira is a French metal band, formed in 1996.  Their style mixes progressive and technical death metal to be the sound of their philosophical and environmentally themed lyrics.   Band members Joe Duplantier − vocals, rhythm guitar …

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My Thoughts On

Kittie – One of the Most Successful Female Metal Bands of all time

Kittie is a female Canadian metal band, formed in 1996.  From their first album Spit (1999) they have transitioned from nu-metal and groove to a heavier aggressive, death sound.     Band Members Morgan Lander – lead vocals, rhythm guitar, piano  Mercedes Lander – drums, backing vocals  Tara McLeod – lead guitar  Ivana “Ivy” Jenkins – bass    The band has had many changes in the lineup, the Lander sisters (Morgan and Mercedes) are the only…

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My Thoughts On

With the Power of Metal – Rhea Ripley and Motionless In White

I’ve never been a fan of watching wrestling. However, because of popular culture, I know some wrestlers, and I’m aware that some rock and metal bands, like Motörhead, have participated in the show for opening and wrestlers’ entrance songs. Still, it never caught my attention until the connection between Rhea Ripley and Motionless In White (currently one of my favorite bands).   Who is Rhea Ripley?   Rhea Ripley (Demi Bennett) is an Australian WWE…

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My Thoughts On

Vegan for the Animals! – Musicians and Compassion for Animals

April 22nd is Earth Day, since 1970. A day to demonstrate support for environmental protection. To commemorate this important day, I wanted to write about the relationship between veganism and music. Many people refer to their way of eating as plant-based, and others say vegan. Both are similar yet they have some nuances too.   Plant-based vs. Vegan   Plant-based refers to a diet that involves a majority of plants but also may contain small…

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My Thoughts On

How Was My First Concert…

I’ve been a rocker since always (because of my parents) and a metalhead since I was 12 when I discovered Iron Maiden and my whole world changed. I have memories of going with my parents to see some Chilean bands when I was little (Los Jaivas, Quilapayún, Inti Illimani), but the first time I went to a concert, by myself, was at 16.   I live in La Serena, in the north of Chile, and…

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My Thoughts On

What You Need to Know Before Your First Concert

Since next week, I’m going to two concerts in a row (Placebo and then Black Veil Brides), I thought of writing a little bit about these experiences. Even though going to a show is very common, there are people who, even though they love music, have never been to a concert themselves.  My first concert was at 16, Monsters of Rock 98 in Chile (Anthrax, Helloween, and Slayer). Since then, I’ve been to more than…

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My Thoughts On

Gatekeeping in Music – Posers vs. Trves

The metal community is known for being very welcoming in some cases and super closed-minded in others.  Gatekeeping in music refers to controlling access to a certain artist or band’s music, considering the potential new fans not worthy of listening to them. A clip of one of my favorite films, High Fidelity, illustrates this… This behavior occurs in many music genres, but especially in rock and metal, and the more specialized the subgenre, the worse…

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My Thoughts On

Major Tom to Ground Control – Music After Planet’s Destruction 

Some years ago, I was with friends philosophizing about life and death, and we started to talk about what would happen with music and art, in general, after humanity reached its extinction. Of course, I hope this situation will not happen soon, but many scientists have said that this is inevitable, and the sun, which is not eternal, will collapse and no longer exist. And before that occurs, the planet Earth will be absorbed by…

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