Album cover. A human figure in the ocean, with arms raised. Blue colors.
Album Reviews

An Emotional Journey with Sleep Token – This Place Will Become Your Tomb – Album Review

The Band


Sleep Token is a British rock band formed in London, in 2016. 

Their band members are masked to keep their anonymity intact.


Band Members

  • Vessel – vocals, guitar, keyboards, percussion
  • II – drums




The Album


After reviewing their first and third album, Sundowning and Take Me Back To Eden, respectively. Now, it is the turn of their second piece. This Place Will Become Your Tomb, Sleep Token’s second studio album, was released on September 24, 2021.


The Songs


1. Atlantic. The first song starts with Vessel playing a beautiful piano, very emotional.

Almost at the end, the rest of the instruments make their entrance and the song gets heavier for a couple of minutes, only to end in a stripped-down, haunting way.

Very cinematic opener for an album.

The interpretations of the lyrics of this song are multiple, but they mostly refer to surviving a suicide attempt, that involved cutting or drowning. They could also be metaphorical.


2. Hypnosis. Love song, obsession. The keys provide an atmospheric sound. Crazy drum fills. Female voices in the choruses. Vessel’s layered voice. His growls make a transition into a heavier breakdown and a heavier song.


3. Mine. Electronic elements. Sweet. He loves her and waits patiently for her to be his. II’s drumming stands out here.
Ultimately, it gets heavier and ends with some keyboards and vocals.


4. Like That.  Sexy music and suggestive lyrics. Lust and pain. He asks her if she enjoys mistreating him.
Electronic elements, beat, and drums.

It starts very basic, and in the middle enter the rest of the instruments. After that, we can hear only Vessel’s distorted vocals. The end is kind of creepy with dark vocals.


5. The Love You Want. Gorgeous and emotional track, a love song. Synthesizers. When a piano and jazz drums appear, the track becomes beautiful and sad, at the same time.

She doesn’t want to be with him. He keeps on loving her. Obsession and toxic love, but with an epic undertone.

It is a calm tune with a great build-up almost at the end, where II showcases his fantastic drumming skills.
Atmospheric tune with a video charged with symbolism.


6. Fall For Me. Here it’s only Vessel’s voice, electronically distorted, layered, very simple.

He asks her why doesn’t she materialize, and why isn’t she with him. It gives the impression that she passed away.
Very emotional and heartbreaking.


7. Alkaline. I love it. One of my favorite Sleep Token songs. It’s short. In the middle, it gets heavier. Here, II is beyond spectacular.

Delightful, musically as well as the lyrics, which are charming and intricate. It’s about love, but beautifully described.


8. Distraction. Simple. Piano and Vessel’s voice. Love song. There’s a build-up in the middle and the rest of the instruments come together, leading by II.


9. Descending. Percussion and keyboards. Vessel’s voice is electronically distorted. Later, it has a R&B vibe.

He wants to be with her, but she doesn’t, leaving him empty.


10. Telomeres. Stunning love song, super romantic.

Piano. Vessel sings. Then comes the heavier instruments, but in the verses is only the piano, Vessel’s voice, and drums.

This is another track in which II stands out, especially in the heavier parts.

Almost at the end, a rock guitar comes and there’s a great solo. The rest of the instruments return with huge intensity.


11. High Water. Synth. Vessel singing. Instruments. Slide guitar. Big breakdown and emphasis on the drums.

He accepts that he can’t be with his lover and admits his defeat.

Vessel growls in the end.


12. Missing Limbs. A lovely acoustic guitar while Vessel sings. A piano enters.

Vessel ends the song and the album with his captivating voice.

The lyrics are about an impossible love.

Magnificent track with a melancholic tone.


Final Thoughts


This is a majestic album of love songs with ethereal atmospheric sounds, and heavy transitions that musicalize beautiful lyrics with its tragic undertone.

Vessel is a lyrical genius, a real poet.

It’s an emotional and intense piece of work.

I love their 3 albums, they’re super different, but each one is a masterpiece.

Nobody knows with certainty the real meaning of the lyrics, yet Vessel rips his heart out in every song and every record.

We won’t know the real reason for these songs unless Vessel tells them one day if he ever does. For now, the only thing we can do is enjoy his work, and his songs and celebrate Sleep Token’s music.



  1. Atlantic
  2. Hypnosis
  3. Mine
  4. Like That
  5. The Love You Want
  6. Fall For Me
  7. Alkaline
  8. Distraction
  9. Descending
  10.  Telomeres
  11.  High Water
  12.  Missing Limbs 

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